Monday, July 27, 2009

Great branding, resumes-style!

Couple of days ago...doing my thing...surfing the blogosphere, I came across an interesting comment on Brand wire by the creator of a rather unique "invention" called The Bioblog. It is a radical idea - present resumes (yeah, those dull documents) in an attention grabbing format.

This is no visual CV but relies heavily on use of graphics and fonts in a bold thematic way. Sometimes, it is designed as a one-page advert, with dramatic declarations of the attributes the resume writer possesses. At other times, its a calling card with a cartoon like portrait of you. The ideas go on and on. By being eye-catching, it distinguishes your resume from the rest of the pack. And when it comes to looking for a job, you need all the "diffrentiation" you can get.

This resume writing method could help clarify your personal brand. At the very least, the recruiting officer would want to meet you. It could get you a foot in (at least up untill the next round).

Hey, you check it out here and let me know what you think.

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